Our worship service is every Sunday! We start at 9:00am and typically end at 10:30am. During our time we sing, receive a sermon from our pastor, and of course, allow time to pray and fellowship!
How should you dress?
While there isn't a formal dress code, we simply ask that you dress in an appropriate way for this public event! But, from jeans to silk suits, you'll be welcome here!
How to give in service?
Whether this is your home church or you're a visitor, we'll never pressure you to give! During service we hold an offering and pass an offering pouch through the congregation; we also have a giving box near the back of the worship center! Our hope is simply for you to worship and learn with us and to give as the Lord leads you!
What a guest should expect?
As a new guest you can expect hellos and friendly faces! We won't call attention to you during service, but we would love for you to come say hi to our Pastor Jim Devore before or after service! We also have welcome packets near the main entrance you can ask an usher for!
Is there childcare?
Yes! During service we have a nursery available for babies and preschoolers. We also offer children's church for your 3 year olds up to your 4th graders! After worship we exit our children and leaders, but your children are always welcome to stay with your during service! We have no problem with fussy babies or fidgety kiddos during service!