Meet Our Ireland Missions Team!
Ireland Bible Club!!
We had the privilege of sharing Christ with 20 kids throughout the course of Bible Club!
Tuesday - Saturday!
here's what we've been up to this week!

Sunday & Monday!
Sunday we had the privilege of joining Grace Baptist Church of Killarney! Pastor Jim preached and Dan led the children's Sunday school! Afterwards we went to lunch with multiple of the church members! Monday we Prepped for our first day of Bible Club!

Thursday - Saturday
Our first 3 days of our trip!
Why Killarney, Ireland?
Mark and Lona Web Missionaries in Ireland

For many years now Cornerstone Church has been supporting missionaries Mark and Lona Webb in Ireland whose goal has been to grow a church and raise a pastor for the community. Though Ireland has access to the Gospel the culture there is primarily apathetic towards God—their desire to spark a light in this small community of Christ-mindedness. We as a team have 2 goals for while we are there. The first is to learn more about Mark and Lona's ministries in Ireland to better support them from afar. Our second is to give the Webbs rest and fill them up to better refill their community. Pastor Jim will be preaching both Sundays and the rest of the team will help with leading worship. We are putting on a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the kids in their church as well!